November 2019

Page A36 NOVEMBER 2019 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS S ec t i on A 1-800-366-2099 Request a Brochure Hand CarvedMahogany Urns 3” HEARSE NAMEPLATES 1-8 spaces $80.50 per nameplate 9-13 spaces $92.50 per nameplate 14-15 spaces $109.00 per nameplate 16-18 spaces $119.00 per nameplate Many Letter Styles and Sizes Available DEDUCT $10.00 each for Satin Aluminum Finish © Custom Air Trays YOUWOULDN’TUSEOUR LEAK-RESISTANT CREMATION TRAY AS ABATHTUB, BUT YOUCOULD. We test ours in the labsoyou don’t have to test it in the real world. 1-800-992-1925 | News Educational ContinueD Johnson Consulting Group Successfully Graduates Inaugural Leadership and Management Class SCOTTSDALE,AZ— John- son Consulting Group is proud to announce the suc- cessful launch of their Lead- ership and Management Academy, graduating six managers as part of the inau- gural 2019 class. The gradu- ates include David Napoli of Busch Funeral & Cre- matory Services, Dennis Moore of Freemont Chapel of the Roses, Joey Wallace of Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory, Lori Sheel- er of Wilson St. Pierre Fu- neral Service and Cremato- ry, Luis Lozada of Serenity Memorial Group, and Mi- chael Roberts of Hathaway Family Funeral Homes. The Johnson Consult- ing Group Leadership and Management Academy is a comprehensive 14-week program that trains upcom- ing and current funeral and cemetery business leaders and managers. The Acad- emy’s purpose is to equip them with JCG’s four core areas of focus: customer ser- vice, workplace, market- place, and financial stability. “Lawrence W. Michael and Nelson Thulin made it a great week” said JCG grad- uate Wallace, “It was both a great learning experience and great time. I know that I’ve made some new friends for life.” The first semester focus- es on exceptional customer service and maintaining a workplace dedicated to pro- fessional development. The second semester dives into active engagement in the community, addressing the needs of the marketplace, and responsible financial oversight to ensure stability and longevity. “We are honored to have these attendees as part of the first group to gradu- ate from JCG’s leadership and management academy,” says Nelson Thulin, JCG’s Director of Business Con- sulting, “We look forward building upon this program in the years to come.” On behalf of Johnson Consulting Group and the business consulting team, we would like to extend our congratulations to each of the graduates. They look forward to seeing the im- pact they will make in their businesses and communities moving forward. Johnson Consulting Group is committed to pro- viding intelligent business solutions that address suc- cession, operational, finan- cial, and customer service needs within funeral homes and cemeteries. JCG has been creating personalized partnerships and growing revenue with funeral and cemetery business owners, managers, and staff for over two decades with solutions including succession plan- ning services, financial man- agement and accounting services, professional funer- al and cemetery consulting, JCG Performance Track- er™ Technology, and much more. The next JCG Lead- ership and Management Academy will take place in the spring of 2020. Those interested in learning more should reach out to info@ or visit www.johnsonconsult- to learn more. “ You manage things and you lead people. Management is important, critical even. Bud- gets. Timelines. Equipment. Inventory. All need manage- ment. Humans, every orga- nization’s most precious as- set—by degrees of incalculable magnitude— don’t need or want to be managed. But they do in fact need and want to be led.” – Stephen R. Covey Did You Miss The Advertising Deadline for The Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory? Nomis Publications, Inc. PO Box 5159 Youngstown OH 44514 800.321.7479 • Fax 800.321.9040 will get you EXPOSURE TODAY! FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS DIRECTORY Shipping