Page B11 - October 2014

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FuneralTech Announces
Cloud Based
Management System
Director’s Choice
Demonstrates Web Chat!
Rosie Front Lace Line Wig by
first of its kind to sup-
port the remembrance of
sending our loved ones
home with elegance, Fi-
nal Touch Wigs and Tou-
pees will donate $1.00
for every wig sold to The
American Cancer Soci-
ety. With over 30 years
of experience in the hair
industry, specializing in
hair extensions and wigs,
Final Touch Wigs and
Toupees carries Esteti-
ca Wigs, a trusted brand
offering the finest wigs,
toupees and accessories
families lifelike memories of their loved ones. The
Directors’ Choice
has announced
that this year’s
Convention will be one to mark on
the calendar as they will be premiering and demonstrat-
ing their new exclusive service offering – Web Chat! Be
one of the first to see this live in action as the reps from
Directors’ Choice show both sides of the coin–what the
website visitor and what the agent see while engaging in
a chat. This leading offering, which is proprietary to the
company, is the first of its kind in the funeral answering
service community.
Rachel Bishop,
business development manager with
Directors’ Choice, comments on the excitement of the
new service - “Never before in our industry has a funeral
exclusive answering service taken a legitimate First Call
via chat–the response has been amazing! This new tech-
nology not only changes but enhances the overall service
offering of our clientele. This is why we do what we do!”
The NFDA International Convention & Expo is tak-
ing place in Nashville October 12-15, 2014. This annual
event features workshops and seminars, an expo, and so-
cial and networking events to help funeral professionals
develop strategies for success in an ever-changing mar-
ketplace. Be sure to visit Directors’ Choice, the premier
provider of funeral answering services in North Ameri-
ca dedicated entirely to funeral professionals, at Booth
1458. Founded by
Gary Darychuk
in 1997, Directors’
Choice handles more than 80,000 first calls per year, of-
fering comfort and assi
timely information to cl
call 888-920-1900 for
launched their industry
leading management sys-
tem on the cloud. The
MiMS program that thou-
sands of funeral directors
have come to know and
love is now being launched
on the cloud. Cloud based
MiMS has all of the fea-
tures that the desktop ver-
sion offers, however any
device can be used to ac-
cess data including PC/
Mac computers, tablets
and smart phones. Have
you ever needed to look
up or add information
while at the cemetery, at
home or even on the road?
Existing MiMS custom-
ers can take advantage of
all the benefits of a cloud
solution without any work
on their part.
“Introducing MiMS on
the cloud platform has
been very exciting for Fu-
neralTech. Not only are
we the only company that
has a complete solution
for those funeral homes
that want to keep their
data installed on their
own servers, but now we
have a complete solu-
tion that allows the fu-
neral home to run com-
pletely online, including
integrating to their ac-
counting system and net-
working their printers.
They can also have work-
stations installed at the
funeral home and run
only the server in the
cloud allowing for auto-
matic back up and secu-
rity of their data,” adds
Mike Hepburn,
dent of FuneralTech.
“When we took over
Twin Tiers Technologies,
our goal was to show our
valued clients new and in-
novative software solu-
tions that will make their
day to day operations
more efficient and con-
venient. We also wanted
to ensure that we are de-
veloping products that
will help our clients hon-
or the families they serve.
We know MiMS is a pro-
gram that is used all over
North America and loved
by thousands of funeral
directors, so we wanted to
ensure that all of our cli-
ents can access their fam-
ilies’ information from
anywhere in the world,
whenever they need to.
The response from our cli-
ents has been overwhelm-
ingly accepting of all the
new products we are de-
veloping for them. Stay
tuned for a couple of very
exciting releases in Octo-
ber,” says Hepburn.
The new cloud based
MiMS is available to ex-
isting customers as an up-
grade, or available to new
clients looking for a com-
plete management sys-
tem. MiMS is integrat-
ed with all FuneralTech
products including their
revolutionary new web-
sites and tributes, as well
as both The Family Ar-
ranger App and The Fu-
neral Planner App.
FuneralTech is the fu-
neral profession’s lead-
er in funeral home man-
agement software, funeral
home websites, personal-
ized tributes and funer-
al planning apps. Funer-
alTech was formally Twin
Tiers Technologies but re-
branded under new own-
ership and has been de-
veloping cutting edge
solutions for the funeral
profession. FuneralTech
is a global company that
operates in the United
States, Canada, Austra-
lia, United Kingdom and
Ireland. For addition-