Funeral Business For Sale

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We are your DEath CAre INdustry Business Experts!!! 
Serving the Death Care Industry is in our Name 

New Listings
Funeral Home near Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania
South Central Pennsylvania Funeral Home with Crematory
Mortuary Transport Service Based in Virginia

Active Listings
South Florida Cremation Business
150 Call Firm in Southeast FL-PRICE REDUCED
64 Call Volume New York Funeral Home
Multiple locations Funeral Home in Virginia
Hispanic Firm-3 locations with crematory South Florida
110 Call African American firm near Detroit, Michigan
175 Call Multiple location firm in Northern Arkansas
Cemetery and Monument Shop in Southern Indiana
30 Call Turn Key Funeral Home in Indiana
150 Call Funeral Home in Eastern Illinois w/crematory
2 Location Funeral Home in Northern Kentucky
Indiana Mortuary Business with Crematory
85 Call Firm in West Pennsylvania 
100 Call African American Firm in Illinois
Florida Based Funeral Supply Company
Funeral Home in Oregon with onsite Crematory
African American Firm in North Carolina

Pre-Revenue Patented Businesses
Burial Product: Pre-revenue Patented Product
Patented Cremation Alternative Business
Innovative Scattering Device with Patent

Under Contract
Illinois Funeral Home
Southern Illinois Funeral Home
Pennsylvania Funeral Home
Funeral Home Multiple Locations in Indiana
150 Call Firm in Southern Indiana
120 Call Firm in West Texas

Coming Soon
85 Call Firm-Indiana
80 Call Firm-Indiana
45 Call Firm in Central Ohio 
 Thinking of selling? Contact The Decain Group for a complimentary valuation. 



Funeral home for sale located in Indiana, Pennsylvania. Sale includes approximately 6,000 sq.ft. with large chapel, pet crematory, rental property, monument sales, 6-bay garage with large monument display. Call volume approximately 160 per year. Interested parties email

FOR SALE: Funeral Service Trade Service. 40 years of service. All equipment, service cars, hearses and limousines included. High volume of transfers. Located in Southeast Pennsylvania. Email


 Memorandum…Funeral Business Offering 

Sale of a Professional Licensed Deathcare Company consisting of two longstanding, respected Funeral Homes in Southwestern Pennsylvania in an expanding economic environment. The firms serve two counties encompassing 50 square miles, with an approximate population of 35,000, and averaging 100-110 families administered to over the past four years. Turnkey operations include: modern facilities, expansive parking area, a stellar reputation of warm and compassionate service, and an extensive pre-arrangement portfolio. Owner/Funeral Director is retiring and will ensure a smooth transition.

For additional details, a complete prospectus, and required non-disclosure agreement, contact Jerome L. Tierney, Esquire, 10531 Center Highway, North Huntingdon, PA 15642; ph.: 724-864-7757 or email:


Montana Funeral Business For Sale
100+ calls. Financing available to qualified buyer.
Call M J at 406-450-2675.

        For 32 years, National funeral homes were incorporated to serve the communities of South Florida. The owners have chosen to retire currently. The funeral homes in Miami and Hollywood include a crematorium with equipment manufactured by Cremation Services of California and consist of two retort units. It is a turnkey facility with refrigeration for seventy persons, a completely furnished funeral facility with viewing rooms, and modern premises with a complete stock of urns and caskets.
Two additional funeral homes serve approximately 1200 to 1400 families annually and have revenues of approximately $5,500 plus. We expect to cremate over 6,000 human remains in 2025. These are in Miami and have been in existence since 1992. One is in the heart of the Hispanic community, and the other serves the South of Miami, which has a multi-racial community. 
The crematory and funeral home combo is in Hollywood, Florida, about 45 miles north of Miami. The future is bright for this service as we are off 1-95, where 295 automobiles pass our front door daily.
All management and funeral directors will stay. We are open 24 hours a day and offer services for families wishing to have a visitation at any time, including families of Hindu, Buddhist, and all other religions that utilize cremations as part of their cultural services. Our pricing is affordable. The facilities can accommodate two additional cremation retorts in a 7500 sq ft space with ample parking when required.
All properties are on long-term leases and are owned by trust companies.
All staff will stay with new owners at their request.
The company has a division that manages all of it.
Repatriation services worldwide, including traffic into Cuba, human remains, and cremation ashes.
Every piece of equipment, including a funeral car and three removal vans, stays with the company. We remove all deceased remains and only use supplemental services in the evenings. The company is managed by women. Our export division uses three exit locations: New York, San Francisco, and Houston. We have connections with over one hundred funeral homes in the USA, Mexico, and Latin America for support, and over 300 funeral homes worldwide. We deliver human remains and ashes worldwide. 
Open for visits anytime.
For information, interested persons could call 833-433-2296 or email WE ARE OPEN 24 HOURS.


1). Family owned and operated funeral home located in District 1. Northern Indiana. Three-year average of 151 families served per year. Nearly $900,000 in secured preplan invested with Homesteaders Life. Late model Lincoln Hearse and three minivans included. This funeral home is offered independently or in combination with an additional funeral home in a neighboring community just 10 miles away. Additional location serves 45 families on a three-year average. Rare opportunity to acquire two locations with a combined volume of nearly 200. Please contact Evan G. Thayer (812) 660-0679 or Jerry L. Basham at (812) 664-3355 for more information

2). Family owned and operated funeral home located in District 1. Northern Indiana. Three-year average of 45 families served per year. $250,000 in secured preplan invested with MasterChoice. This funeral home is offered independently or in combination with an additional funeral home in a neighboring community just 10 miles away. Additional location serves 150 families on a three-year average. Rare opportunity to acquire two locations with a combined volume of nearly 200. Please contact Evan G. Thayer (812) 660-0679 or Jerry L. Basham at (812) 664-3355 for more information
3). Family owned and operated funeral home with three locations located in rural Southern Illinois. Three-year average of 65 families served per year. Nearly $1,000,000 in secured preplan invested with Homesteaders Life and other institutions. Beautiful rolling stock including late model hearse and van. Terrific opportunity for expansion and growth in volume. Please contact Evan G. Thayer (812) 660-0679 or Jerry L. Basham at (812) 664-3355 for more information.

4). Family owned and operated funeral home with two locations, located in rural East Illinois.  Three-year average of 115 families served per year with an average of $957,000 gross revenue.  Nearly 1 million in secured preplan invested with reputable insurance companies.  Beautiful rolling stock including lead car, flower van, removal van, hearse, limousine. The funeral home has a beautiful four bedroom home next door with an inground pool for the owner or manager.  Low cremation rate and very little competition. Please call Evan G. Thayer at 812-660-0679 or Jerry Basham at 812-664-3355    

5). Family owned and operated funeral home with a beautiful location including large reception area and nearly 4 acres of property, located in District 6.  Three-year average of 100 families served per year with an average of over $700,000 in gross revenue.  Nearly 1 million in paid pre-plan inventory. Good opportunity for continued growth. Owner and licensed funeral director are willing to stay for a smooth transition. Please call Evan G. Thayer at 812-660-0679 or Jerry Basham at 812-664-3355         


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