Christopher Kuhnen

There's More To It... Advance Funeral Planning

Christopher Kuhnen of Edgewood, Kentucky has been actively engaged in funeral service for over 34 years. As an insider into excellence, he is a trustworthy advisor to many funeral home and industry professionals. Kuhnen provides regular comprehensive consultation and support and additionally trains and bolsters leading death care professionals concerning profitability, management, pre-need sales and marketing, family service follow-up, and much more. 
Over the course of his professional career, he has presented numerous continuing educational seminars and workshops (on sales, marketing, pre-need, public relations, etc.) to a variety of national, state, and regional funeral associations. He is on the forefront of the industry and enjoys sharing his knowledge with others. Kuhnen is a Kentucky Licensed Funeral Director, Life Insurance Agent, and member in good standing with the Funeral Directors Association of Kentucky.  Additionally, he is a Certified Marketing Specialist, as bestowed by the National Marketing Academy and a Certified Funeral Celebrant as bestowed by the distinguished Insight Institute.
    Chris can be reached at (859) 307-7223 or



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