May 2022

Page B8 MAY 2022 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on B GREENWOOD VILLAGE,CO— Biolife, LLC, the developer of The Living Urn®, America’s leading bio urn and planting system, and a market leading line of unique eco-friendly urns and memorials, is excited to announce the launch of its keepsake urn line. This new keepsake line initially includes attractive cremation jewelry, wood The Living Urn, America’s Leading Bio Urn, Launches a New Keepsake Line Two More Winning Lectern Designs from AmpliVox: Lexington and Concord Lexington Concord NORTHBROOK,IL— AmpliVox Sound Systems has added to its wide-ranging array of lecterns with two new series that evoke a winning tradition: Lexington and Concord. The two lectern series offer a rich menu of sizes, colors, finishes, and other design and feature options that facilitate winning presentations, anywhere from the classroom to the boardroom. The Lexington Lectern Series is available in three widths, with casters, shelving and a reading light. Multimedia models have specialized shelving and outlets for equipment. ADA compliant models are height adjustable. Sound system models have a built-in wireless receiver, amplifier, and speakers. The Concord Lectern Series offers a rich, premium design, with many of the same features and options as the Lexington series. “The names Lexington and Concord are famous for starting a proud tradition in American history,” said AmpliVox CEO Don Roth. “Now, these made-in-the-USA lecterns can help you start your own tradition of presentation excellence.” Lexington and Concord join a broad array of other AmpliVox lectern models, multimedia furniture, megaphones and PA systems. To learn more, visit urns, and small scattering urns. Mark Brewer, company president, commented, “We’re excited to launch our proprietary keepsake line, providing families with more great options related to memorializing a loved one. This includes our initial customizable cremation pendant, decorative wood urns, and small scattering urns. We expect to offer many more attractive keepsake urn options over the coming few months, including additional cremation jewelry pieces and some highly unique handcrafted memorial items.” Brewer continues, “Similar to our core bio urn line, we’re focused on providing keepsakes that are high quality, truly memorable, and unique. With this new line, we’re offering families some attractive options – many will choose to get a keepsake in addition to a larger full-sized urn, or divide up a loved one’s ashes into multiple keepsakes and create multiple memorials.” Based in Colorado, Biolife is committed to developing and providing unique cremation urns serving families looking for eco-friendly afterlife options that can be more meaningful and personal. Its growing market leading product offering includes the patented Living Urn®, the leading bio urn and planting system designed to grow a tree with cremated remains, The Living Urn® Indoors, the Eco Scattering Urn, a unique bamboo urn for scattering ashes, the EcoWater Urn, a proprietary water burial urn that floats and gracefully frees ashes in water, the Eco Burial Urn, a special bamboo burial or traditional decorative urn, various handcrafted indoor urns, and its new keepsake line. The company is developing additional cremation urns and handcrafted keepsakes that it will be introducing in the next few months. order on l i ne at www.Nomi sPub l i cat i ons . com or ca l l 1-800-321-7479 “ I Love My Funeral Di rector” “ I Love My Cemeter ian” Order Your Favor i te Pl ush An ima l wi th a Funera l Di rector or Cemeter i an Sh i rt ! Customi zat i on Ava i l ab l e ~ Ca l l for Deta i l s Now is the PERFECT time to order the PERFECT gifts!