Page A15 - November2014

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Page A15
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Dr. Alan Wolfelt Reveals
New Brochure
The Center for Loss and Life Tran-
announces a new brochure written by
Dr. AlanWol-
designed to complete the “why” of the funeral set and
teach the families you serve about the
elements of a mean-
ingful funeral ceremony. The brochure, entitled
ing, Remembering, Healing: The pieces of a meaningful fu-
explains in clear yet
gentle language the many
essential pieces of the
neral ceremony.
Making use of a multi-
colored heart image, Dr.
Wolfelt teaches the valu-
able pieces of the visitation/
reception, music, readings,
eulogy/remembrance, sym-
bols, actions, and gathering.
The brochure is designed to
be a compassionate, educa-
tional take-home piece for
grieving families and funer-
al home guests.
This brochure completes
the “why” of the funeral set
that also includes the bro-
chure “
Why We Have Had
Funerals Since the Beginning
of Time,”
two posters for
the arrangement room that
interface with the two brochures, and a training manual
for funeral home staff titled
“Educating the Families You
Serve about the why of the funeral.”
Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D., is a respected author, educator,
and consultant to funeral service. He advocates for the val-
ue of meaningful funeral experiences in his death education
workshops across North America each year and writes a col-
umn for
The Director
magazine on customer care. Dr. Wol-
felt is conducting a 3-day training for funeral directors Feb-
ruary 3-5, 2015, in Scottsdale, AZ and June 23-25, 2015, in