September 2021

Page A28 SEPTEMBER 2021 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on A YOUR NEXT GREAT H I RE AWA I TS . A veteran’s commitment to serve doesn’t end when their service ends. Help them reignite their call of duty in a funeral service career honoring the values revered in every branch of our military. Respect. Dedication. Commitment to community. Visit to download a FREE comprehensive toolkit designed to help you recruit and hire veterans into your business. Enlist the talents of a veteran to bring value to your business, comfort to your community, and purpose and possibility to your next great hire. A J O I N T P R O J E C T B E T W E E N BE A PART OF A VETERAN ’ S NEXT JOURNEY TO SERVE . JOURNEY TOSERVE . COM Visit our website to access dedicated resources to support children that are grieving and connect to local support.  Working to ensure no child grieves alone. Nadene Cover-Up Cosmetics Ltd. A name you know. . . . . . Products you trust 800-531-9744 Fax 903-641-0383 Massachusetts Funeral Directors Association receives NE/SAE’s 2021 Organizational Excellence Award Margaret M. Nolan and Clarence R. Lyons with the Award News Association Continued on Page A29 WEYMOUTH,MA— The Massachusetts Funeral Directors Association (MFDA) has been honored with the 2021 Organiza- tional Excellence Award from the New Eng- land Society of Association Executives (NE/ SAE) for its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The award was created to rec- ognize the innovation and outstanding ac- complishments of professional societies and trade associations throughout New England and celebrate its positive impact on their members and the industries they serve. MFDA was recognized for its initiative “The Direction of Dignity: Maintaining a Standard of Care for Those Lost to the Pan- demic.” In presenting the award during the NE/ SAE Annual Meeting, board of directors’ chair Stephen Sousa stated, “With the CO- VID-19 pandemic, funeral directors were facing a mass casualty situation of unknown proportion and duration. The MFDA set out to give its members the tools and re- sources they needed to continue to care for the victims of the pandemic and those dying of other causes and to provide services to their bereaved families within the parame- ters of unprecedented restrictions which bal- ance the health and safety of their employ- ees. The MFDA addressed the pandemic by developing resources, best practices, and protocols that would allow funeral directors t O rd e r On l i n e a t www. Nom i sPu b l i ca t i o n s . com o r ca l l 1 - 800 - 321 - 7479 “ I Love My Funera l Di rector ” “ I Love My Cemeter i an” ONLY $ 11 95 Now is the PERFECT time to order the PERFECT gifts! O r d e r y o u r f a v o r i t e p l u s h a n i m a l w i t h a F u n e r a l D i r e c t o r o r C e m e t e r i a n S h i r t ! C u s t o m i z a t i o n A v a i l a b l e ! C a l l f o r D e t a i l s .