July 2018

NEWS JULY 2018 Fam i l y Own e d a n d Ope r a t ed S i nce 1974 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY P O B o x 5 1 5 9 Yo u n g s t o w n O H 4 4 5 1 4 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 2 1 - 7 4 7 9 O n l i n e a t www . n o m i s p u b l i c a t i o n s . c o m P r e v i o u s l y P u b l i s h e d a s t h e Y B N e w s • S t i l l t h e P l a c e f o r Yo u r N e w s ! Calendars are our business. Our only business. See pages 3 & 5 The Judith Roth Studio Collection The world's highest quality promotional calendars TM Royal Funeral Home celebrates 100 Years with a Royal Fete Staff of Royal Funeral Home The old Royal Undertaking Company the firm for six years. The business was sold in 1946 to Lawrence B. and Amanda Rice Hundley . It was during the Hundley ownership that the Fletcher twins, Richard, a licensed funeral director and embalmer, and Ronald, a li- censed funeral director, joined the firm working alongside manager Lou Thomas Kibble . Following the death of Kibble, the Hundley’s son-in- Collection by Elliott Rumano HUNTSVILLE,AL— Roy- al Funeral Home began celebrating not only the firm’s century of service in March, but also the 67th anniversary of the “Royal Twins”. The Royal Fete was open to the public and in- cluded a royal accolade as owners Mr. David W. and Mrs. Karen Jones Smith knighted Mr. Ronald and Mr. Richard Fletcher . H untsville’s oldest black own ed business was found- ed by Charles King Bin- ford as Royal Undertaking Company in 1918. Follow- ing his death in 1940, Mrs. Carrie Binford operated Continued on Page A22 Continued on Page A43 The Ethos of Public Protection: The Conference’s Story of Doing the Right Thing By Dalene Paull, Executive Director, The International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards, Inc. Much has been written in various association trade journals about the long-running test question-harvesting scheme at American Academy/McAllister Institute of Fu- neral Service (AAMI) and more directly, the subsequent invalidations of hundreds of test scores on the Nation- al Board Examination (NBE) for funeral service. Almost without fail, coverage of this scandal has been written in an accusatory tone that the students were unfairly target- ed, that The Conference acted inappropriately by invali- Then and Now: Ronald and Richard Fletcher Introduction of Canadian School of Advanced PREP: Postmortem Reconstruction & Embalming Practices See Page A44 N ational F uneral D irectors & M orticians A ssociation C onvention August 4-9, 2018 Kissimmee, Florida P re -C onvention H ighlights begin on P age A33 Cremation Association of North America Cremation Innovation Convention Fort Lauderdale, Florida July 25-27, 2018 P re -C onvention H ighlights on P age A36 www.nomispublications.com Classified Ads Shipping Directory Index of Advertisers