June 2022

NEWS JUNE 2022 Family Owned and Operated Since 1974 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY P O BOX 5 1 5 9 , YO U N G S T OWN, OH I O 4 4 5 1 4 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 2 1 - 7 4 7 9 WWW. NO M I SPU B L I C AT I O N S. C O M P r e v i o u s l y P u b l i s h e d a s t h e YB News • S t i l l t h e P l a c e f o r Yo u r N ew s ! Niewoehner Funeral Home Marks 50th Anniversary By Laurie Esposito-Harley Built in the summer of 1900 the original building served as a livery stable and feed store until it became the Fairmont Creamery in 1931. It is one of the oldest buildings in downtown Rugby. Erected May 22, 1999, the 34 foot bell tower honors Dale’s father, Henry A. Niewoehner, who erected a bell on the family farm spurring Dale’s interest in bells. Weighing close to 8 tons, the tower consists of 13 bells of various sizes and origins. RUGBY,ND—DaleNiewoehner purchased an empty building near downtown Rugby in 1971 and on February 19, 1972 he opened the doors to Niewoehner Funeral Home. A mainstay in the community, Niewoehner is celebrating 50 years under the same ownership and in the same building as in 1972. The community was invited to a 50th anniversary celebration which included memorabilia, the original sign, newspaper clippings, and tours of the funeral home. “All the ladies got a fresh flower or two,” says Dale, adding that the professional cars were lined out in the street dressed in military honors. Continued on page B11 An article on the June 1982 front page announces the new firm. Forty years later, M.K. Jones & Associates has become MKJ Marketing, and Y.B. News has become Funeral Home & Cemetery News. MKJ Marketing: 40 Years and Still Growing Continued on page A18 S A L E S S E R V I CE R E PA I R S U P P L I E S EQU I PME N T MA I N T E NANCE The American Crematory Promise! QUALITY EQUIPMENT RELIABLE SERVICE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY Call Us Today at: (800) 396-2254 or visit AMERICANCREMATORY.COM MODEL A-350 Approximately 100 people showed up for first-class hors d’oeuvres, beer, wine, and fellowship. “There was some bad weather,” says Dale, “which prevented some people who wanted to come from getting out.” He adds that they entertained the last group of people until 8:00 that night, even though the celebration was scheduled to end at 5:00. “We were very happy with the turnout at the reception,” he says. Dale was born in Rugby and raised on his family’s farm near Upham, ND, just 50 miles northwest of the funeral home. Classified Ads Shipping Directory Index of Advertisers

Page A2 JUNE 2022 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on A Jack E. Lechner, Jr. was appointed president and CEO of the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science in January 2016. One day after his retirement ceremony from the Army, Colonel Jack E. Lechner, Jr. was summoned to the office of the Secretary of the Army and asked to revoke his retirement orders and accept an assignment to Arlington National Cemetery. Five days later, he reported as part of a new leadership team empowered to restore honor to Arlington National Cemetery following a serious scandal uncovered by the Department of the Army Inspector General in 2010. Lechner was a practicing funeral director in New Jersey for 10 years before enlisting in 1983 as an Infantryman. He is a Certified Funeral Service Practitioner (CFSP), life member of the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice, a member of the National Funeral Directors Association, Association of Death Education and Counseling, and the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association. He is an instructor at ICCFA University, serves on the ICCFA Veterans Committee, and is a member of the Cremation Association of North America and the American Board of Funeral Service Practice. Lechner recently received a unanimous election to the Educational Foundation of the ICCFA. He earned licensure in New Jersey, Ohio, and Virginia as a funeral director and embalmer. He is also a Crematory Operator Permit holder in Ohio, nationally board certified, Certified in Thanatology by ADEC, and a trained Certified Celebrant. Lechner earned an Associate Degree from Mercer County Community College; Bachelor of Mortuary Science degree (Summa Cum Laude), from Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science (1990); Master of Science degree in Logistics Management, Florida Tech (1993); and a Master of Science degree in National Resource Strategy (Supply Chain Management Concentration), National Defense University, Washington, DC (2007). Published Monthly by: Nomis Publications, Inc. PO Box 5159, Youngstown, OH 44514 1-800-321-7479 FAX 1-800-321-9040 www.nomispublications.com info@nomispublications.com Advertising: Display Ad rates sent upon request. Classified and Shipping Directory rates published in each issue. All advertising must be received by the 5th of the previous month. Due to the vast amount of sources, the publisher is not responsible for the content of any news articles or advertisements. Nor is the publisher responsible for any loss of revenue by failure to insert an advertisement. The contents of any advertisement submitted for publication are only the publisher’s responsibility if the error is made by the publisher’s typesetting department, and then only to the extent of the typesetting charges. Advertisers are responsible for adhering to individual state regulations regarding advertising. The contents of any news article submitted for publication is subject to editing and is published at the sole discretion of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any news article or advertisement. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced, in whole or part, without the exclusive consent of Nomis Publications, Inc. Editor: Margaret (Peggy) Rouzzo © 2022 by Nomis Publications, Inc. ISSN 1944-1126 Funeral Home & Cemetery News Online at www.nomispublications.com Online Directories US & International Funeral Homes • Supply Companies Cemeteries • Pet Memorialization Companies Trade Associations • Plus Much More... www.nomispublications.com Like @Nomis.Publications FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS NOTICE The FUNERAL HOME AND CEMETERY NEWS is now sent in two parts. Section A, which includes pages A1-A44 and Section B, which contains the Classified Advertising and consists of pages B1-B24. If you do not receive both sections please call 1-800-321-7479 or email info@nomispublications.com. a small non-funeral staff. It is NOT a legal regulating body authorized by state or federal law. The NBE questions are written by individual licensees who volunteer with honorable intentions. The psychometricians take those questions and revise them to achieve the consistent results. Dalene Paull, executive director of the Conference told me that if she accepted a question written for the NBE by me, I would not recognize it on the NBE. Last year the NBE cost $570 to take both the arts and science. If a student fails one or both, they must pay $285 to retest for each. According to the 2020 Annual Report from the Conference (last one available online) revenues were $1,745,483 with expenses of $1,282,730. A net asset increase (we don’t use the word profit in not-for-profit organization) of $462,753! The estimated increase in revenue from retakes was $416,385.00 (603 arts and 858 science at $285/test)! That is in addition to the $722,760 in revenue made from first time testers. This is an obnoxious amount of money for a non-profit to make. The point is that it is in the best interest of the Conference for students to fail and be required to pay to take the test again. I was first licensed in 1976, back then the NBE was an optional test. Most state boards produced their own licensing examinations or outsourced them locally. Board members were responsible for the material on the examination, board members administered and proctored the examinations, and board members were in the room to resolve issues with the examination. Today most states abdicate all that to the Conference and just sit back and wait for scores to be sent to them. Most state boards no longer write examinations, they depend on the test scores results provided to them by the Conference. In 2018 when I questioned our state board about the first-time pass rate for our State Laws Rules and Regulations Examination (LRR) (outsourced to the Conference) no one could answer my question. It took the personal intervention of the previous executive director of the state board two months to get the answer from the Conference. The answer was an abysmal 51.5% first time failure rate! In 2020 I sent an email request to the state board asking for the current firsttime pass rate for the state examination. My request was referred to the board member who chaired the education and testing committee. He returned my email with a phone call and told me that, “Dalene Paull [executive director of the Conference] told him that he did not have to give that information to me”. In August 2021, I sent a formal written request to the Ohio State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors under the Ohio Open Meetings Act requesting the first-time pass/ fail rates for the previous three years and the details of the fiduciary relationship between the state board and the Conference. After an inordinate delay of 65 days and being publicly disrespected at an open state board meeting by a member of the board – I was finally furnished two years of raw data on the state board Exam and the Laws, Rules, and Regulations Ohio State Exams that are prepared and administered by the Conference. (Up to that point, for the past 6 years I regularly attended the monthly meeting of the board. I no longer attend their meetings.) I conducted a statistical analysis of the redacted raw data provided by the state board and found that the first-time failure rate had actually risen. I was also able to show that if the Ohio state board directed the Conference to make 70% the passing score instead of 75% (like Nevada and Delaware have done) on the Ohio LRR, 41% more would have passed. I passed that information onto the board, but was never given a response. The Conference is an unregulated monopoly. There is no competition since most states have stopped writing their own examinations. The NBE from the Conference is mandated by most states, but there is no independent oversight. The Conference reports to its own board, which is composed of members of state boards from across the nation. For exLet ter to the Ed i tor: NBE Out of Control? Time to stop the National Board Exam (NBE). Why are so many candidates across the nation failing the NBE? First time pass rates nationally for the NBE are 68% for the Arts section and 57% for the science portion. Could it be the students? The students I’ve seen over the past 6 years are studying as hard as ever. I know how rigorous our mortuary science program which follows the American Board curriculum. I see how hard students work to excel. The students I see coming into our program are highly motivated to become licensed. They work hard to earn exceptional grades, are compassionate, caring, and smart individuals looking forward to a career of serving the public – we have a 93% graduation rate. So, no – I don’t think it is a problem with the students. Could it be the instructors and the schools? I see the dedication that every instructor puts into the education of our students and can testify that it is second to none. Our instructors pour everything they have into the educational process and care more for student success than anyone. They are the most supportive instructors, and they cover every detail of the American Board curriculum to prepare students for the NBE. So, no – I don’t think the problem is with the instructors or colleges. Could it be the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE)? The American Board maintains a curriculum update schedule that is slow and methodical. The curriculum changes are easily implemented and very often overdue. There is very little change in the curriculum from year to year. So, no – I don’t think the problem is with the American Board. Well, that only leaves one more area to consider – maybe it is the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards (the Conference) and the NBE itself! The NBE has become the greatest single barrier to entering funeral service in the United States. It is intended to be an entry level assessment exam. There are two sections to the NBE – Arts and Sciences. The Conference published national statistics for the year January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021. Only 68% passed the arts their first time and only 57% of candidates passed the science portion of the NBE their first time. Repeat test takers only have a 37% chance of passing the arts and a 32% chance of passing the science. Not passing the NBE the first time has far reached negative effects. First, the candidate will have to take another examination and pay for the examination again. I address the monetary effects of those retakes later. The psychological effects and the anxiety of having to retest is an incredible weight for the candidate, families, faculty/ staff, and employers. Second, the ABFSE requires all funeral/mortuary programs to maintain a firsttime pass rate for the NBE of 60% for arts and sciences to maintain their accreditation. This places a heavy burden on every funeral service instructor and administrator considering the Conference shares very little information with the programs (schools) and ABFSE; in fact, the Conference prides itself on its lack of transparency. The Conference uses psychometricians to construct the NBE. A psychometrician is a person (such as a clinical psychologist) who is skilled in the administration and interpretation of objective psychological tests or a psychologist who devises, constructs, and standardizes psychometric tests. Their purpose is to achieve consistent results. The consistently low scores indicate that the psychometrics employed are causing candidates to fail at unacceptable levels. The Conference is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) with Jack E. Lechner, Jr. PLEASE NOTE: The opinions expressed in the Funeral Home & Cemetery News articles, including Letters to the Editor are those of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Nomis Publications, Inc., Funeral Home & Cemetery News, its publisher or editor. NBE National Results for 2021, from the Conference website Arts Examination Tested Pass Fail Absent Total First Time 1269 867 68% 402 32% – – Repeater 603 227 37% 376 62% – – Total 1872 1094 58% 778 42% 61 1933 Science Examination Tested Pass Fail Absent Total First Time 1267 726 57% 541 43% – – Repeater 858 272 32% 586 68% – – Total 2125 998 47% 1127 53% 98 2223 Results from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole percent. ample, in our state we have a multi-term state board member who was not only the “Conference’s District 4 Director” having his travel expenses paid by the Conference, but he was also the secretary/treasurer of the Conference’s board of directors! He is now vicepresident of the Conference all while being an active member of the Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors, that forces candidates for licensure to pay and pass the NBE. The Conference has infiltrated the ranks of our State Regulatory Boards. The entire construct of the Conference is replete with conflicts of interest. The Conference pays travel expenses and provides free registration at its annual conference to its own board members, mostly made up of state board officials. Also, the Conference has offered free attendance for one member from each state board to attend the annual conference. The Conference takes these steps to maintain its stronghold position as a monopoly. The Conference operates under a blanket of secrecy and shares almost nothing with ABFSE accredited schools. For example, there is a call out right now from the Conference asking for volunteers to be on the examination committee that excludes any educators from applying. “Committee members cannot work directly with or have any immediate family members enrolled in any ABFSE accredited program and must also be willing to sign a confidentiality agreement.” “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” quoted Edmund Burke. Now is the time for the profession to say no more to the Conference. We must become our own advocates; status quo is unacceptable. Here is a short list of what I believe we can do now to start to end this strangle hold on our future death care professionals. • Tell your state association that it’s time to end the monopolist dominance of the Conference. Tell them you want them to lobby the state board for an alternative to the NBE. • Go to the State Board meetings and be heard or write letters to the State Board asking for an alternative to the NBE. You have a voice! • Lobby the state board to lower the passing grade score of 75% to 70% for the state laws tests (like Delaware and Nevada have done) • Lobby state boards to have the passing score of the NBE lowered from 75% to 70%. • Encourage the state board to work with state associations and funeral/mortuary schools to produce an alternative test to the NBE (majority of state board members are association members). • Ask local legislators what they are doing to make your state more friendly to future funeral directors. • Lobby the board to create a rule forbidding a sitting member of a state board from serving on the Conference. It is a conflict of interest. The state board requires candidates for licensure to spend their money with the Conference to take the NBE – a state board member should not also be sitting on the board of directors that accepts money from candidates. We need to get the NBE out of our States! —Jack E. Lechner, Jr. Subscription: United States $30.00 - Canada/Mexico $60.00 Circulation: 21,000 per issue. Overseas rates available. Deadline for Press Releases: 5th of the Previous month. Monthly Features Association News. ......................................................................................... A25 Educational News.......................................................................................... A34 Death Notices. ............................................................................................... A42 Suppliers News................................................................................................B1 Calendar of Events........................................................................................ B2 Shipping Directory........................................................................................ B13 Classified Ads. .............................................................................................. B17 Columns Aftercare by Linda Findlay. .............................................................................. A8 Appropriate to Greatness by Alice Adams and Jim Kurtz............................. A38 Bright Ideas for Funeral Directors by Mark Bowser...................................... A18 Embalming 101 by Wally Hooker.................................................................... A16 Facebook Made Easy by Jason Troyer PhD................................................... A10 HearseHub by Mike Jamar................................................................................ B6 Memoires des choix des Jacque by Kate Frediani-Gorman.......................... A36 Observations by Steven Palmer..................................................................... A12 Powerhouse Marketing With Welton by Welton Hong..................................... A6 Random Musings by Nancy Weil...................................................................... A4 Rest In Peace Mr President by Todd Van Beck.............................................. A22 Working With Widowers by Fred Colby.......................................................... A20

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Page A4 JUNE 2022 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on A By Nancy Weil Ah, June the month when schools end, graduations are celebrated and the summer season officially arrives. The urgency to savor each ray of sunshine, each new flower that blooms, eagerly awaiting the harvest of the vegetables you just planted and, perhaps, a much-needed vacation. For many of you reading this, that vacation seems like an impossible dream. I have heard again and again (and again…) that you are busier than you have ever been and working without enough staff. “If only I could hire one more person, I would be able to take a day off,” is a common phrase and desire. I wonder if the rest of the world understands that funeral service is truly a 24/7/365 job where closing the door for a weekend off is not likely to happen. Not unless… A. You have a large enough staff to work with one person away B. You have a good relationship with a funeral director who is willing to cover for you in your absence C. Nope…can’t think of another scenario where leaving the funeral home with coverage and without you can occur. Cemeterians are in a similar position. Yes, there are regular posted hours. Yes, burials are scheduled in advance. However, the office lights need to be on during those hours and grave diggers need to be in position to open and close those graves when needed. Calls must be answered, families guided to their loved one’s grave and the business of the cemetery must continue. So, what does a vacation look like for you this summer? For some, it may be a visit to family or friends. For others, a cruise, a trip to the beach, a camping (or glamping) adventure. A lucky few may be off to an exotic retreat an ocean away. Perhaps it is a “staycation” and an opportunity Random Musings to enjoy time at home. No matter the destination, the need for a pause/an exhale/a rest is more needed than ever. Here’s why: • Burnout is real and it is causing some dedicated funeral directors to rethink their professional options and leave to work in other trades. With a shortage of qualified funeral directors already, losing even one is a very big loss. For those who remain, this burnout leaves you not working at your optimal level with a “too much to do, too little time” mindset. This leads to… • Stress overtaking your entire being. As cortisol levels rise and the adrenaline flows, the fight/flight/freeze response kicks in and your entire physiology changes. Breathing changes, blood pressure rises, heart rate increases and all of this leads to… • Your Health being impacted. Trying to push through and work even when you know you need a rest, can result in a health crisis where you are not able to work. The phrase I ask myself is, “Will the world still be turning tomorrow if…?” The sun will rise even if you take a day off. Even if you must close your doors for a day or turn the phones over the answering service. Of course, no one wants to do this, my grandmother taught me that, “Mother Nature makes big loans, but she collects.” In other words, you can push your body only so far before it eventually catches up with you. So even if you don’t do this for yourself, do it for the ones you love for this leads to… • Reconnecting with yourself, your family and your friends. Taking a vacation/break allows you time for long conversations, fun adventures, bonding opportunities and space to ponder and dream, which always leads to… • New ideas and clarity. When you step away from your work-life, it allows you to gain a new perspective on what I Need a Vacation Serving as Member Resources Director at the International Order of the Golden Rule, Nancy Weil brings her years of experience working in the funeral industry to funeral directors across the globe. Her professional experience includes serving as Director of Grief Support and Community Outreach at Veterans Funeral Care in Clearwater, FL and at eleven cemeteries in Western New York. Nancy travels throughout the country offering presentations on how to reduce stress, combat compassion fatigue and offer support for those who are grieving through her company, The Laugh Academy. With certifications as a Grief Services Provider and Grief ManagementSpecialist, FuneralCelebrant, Soul InjuryAmbassador and Laughter Leader, Nancy is uniquely qualified to bring new perspectives into how to best meet the needs of the families you serve. For more information on how Nancy can help you and your company grow, visit her website: www.TheLaughAcademy.com or email Nancy@TheLaughAcademy.com. F U N E R A L H O M E & C E M E T E R Y N E W S w w w . N o m i s P u b l i c a t i o n s . c o m Monthly Columnsonline at you are doing and why you are doing it. You return to the office re-energized filled with a newfound enthusiasm for the work you do. Taking a break also allows you to realize that a perfect balance between work/ home will never be achieved, however this realization also leads to… • Realizing that the #1 reason to take a vacation is because, you Deserve it. As hard as you work, so too must you have planned time off to shift to doing the other things that fills your soul and brings you joy. So, find the time, make the time or run away and join the circus, but in the next few months, have a much-needed, well-deserved, and fun-filled vacation. You will benefit from it, but so will your funeral home or cemetery. 2022 INTERNATIONAL EMBALMING & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY CONFERENCE FOR PROFESSIONAL EMBALMERS Register to attend the professional conference entirely focused on Embalming & Specialized Reconstructive Surgery Techniques and dedicated to the Value of Open Casket Viewing. Embalming and reconstructive subjects will be presented by multiple speakers, providing information on the latest and best techniques to deal with difficult and special cases. Open to all licensed, qualified and apprentice embalmers as well as Mortuary Science students. Attendance is accepted on first-come-first-served basis and limited to first 150 registrants. Fees are refundable if you cannot attend. Register online at FNACADEMY.COM or for more information contact: Vernie R. Fountain, Embalmer, Reconstructive Surgery Specialist, CFSP vrfountain@earthlink.net or (417) 833-5130 Donn Kell Floyd and wife Mary Floyd Rollings Funeral Service Announces Addition of South Carolina Funeral Home Floyd Funeral Home the next chapter of his life. When asked why he decided to choose Rollings Funeral Service, Floyd said “I didn’t want to go with a big corporation. Greg and Debbie are a husband-and-wife company which would allow the funeral home to still be family owned.” Floyd also noted the ease with which the whole process went left him feeling he definitely made the right decision with Rollings Funeral Service. “I would recommend Rollings Funeral service 1,000,000%,” Floyd commented. Annually, Floyd Funeral Home serves around 100 families. With over 80 locations, Rollings Funeral Service is one of the largest private funeral home owners in the eastern United States. With each of their firms operated on the local level, their managers work directly with Rollings Funeral Service to establish budgets, pricing, and best practices. They also pride themselves on being a great alternative to selling to a publicly traded company and they continue to search for firms that will be a great fit to their growing family of funeral homes. TYRONE,GA—Rollings Funeral Service is proud to announce their recent addition of Floyd Funeral Home in Olanta, SC. The funeral home, which has been serving its community since 1927, was formerly owned by Donn Kell Floyd. Greg Rollings, president and CEO of Rollings Funeral Service, commented “Floyd Funeral Home has over 90 years of experience serving Olanta with care foundation of service in their community.” Rollings also mentioned that this marks his eighth location in South Carolina. Speaking with Donn Kell Floyd, he mentioned that with the over 40 years in funeral service and ongoing health issues, it was time he started looking at slowing down and beginning and compassion. Kell’s grandfather founded the funeral home in the ‘20’s and it has been in the Floyd family ever since. Debbie and I look forward to helping continue the Floyd family legacy and help build upon their strong Send Us Your News! We welcome news of the industry. info@NomisPublications.com PO Box 5159, Youngstown, OH 44514 CALL 1-800-321-7479 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS

Page A5 JUNE 2022 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on A NOTHING MATCHES THE EMOTIONAL POWER OF VIDEO 888-655-1566 • mkjmarketing.com © 2022 MKJ Marketing Gain exclusive access to MKJ’s extensive video library and personalize videos for your firm: • Build Your Brand and Community Loyalty • Raise Interest in Preneed Consultations • Highlight Veterans Services • Showcase Cremation Options Ask for our demo today! MKJ MARKETING’S HIGH-QUALITY VIDEOS ARE PROVEN TO WORK ON TV AND ONLINE. Television viewership is up 42% - NIELSEN CORPORATION Facebook Traffic is up 27% - NEW YORK TIMES over 250 Million Hours Of YouTube Videos are streamed every day - YOUTUBE … A ND T H E R E A R E MO R E WAY S T O U S E V I D E O T H A N E V E R B E F O R E .

Page A6 JUNE 2022 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on A www.vischerfuneralsupplies.com Bay Memorials 321 S. 15th St. • Escanaba, MI 49829 • (906) 786-2609 • Fax (906) 786-2692 Zerbel’s www.baymemorialsbabycaskets.com PROPORTIONALLY SIZED FOR MISCARRIED, STILLBORN & NEWBORN BABIES Burial Cradle casketsSM Available in 10”, 20”, 30” allowing you to tastefully care for even the smallest baby with all the compassion every parent desires for as low as $46.00 By Welton Hong Google puts a lot of emphasis on high-quality, expert content – and authorship does matter. Excellent content that answers the intent of a searcher’s query and comes with a byline from someone with relevant credentials can be good for SEO. But it turns out that Google doesn’t care that much about the writers behind the content, ensuring that outsourcing remains an option for funeral service businesses. Long story short: Busy funeral directors and other deathcare staff don’t have to pen their own blog posts. Instead, they can hire out the writing and editing (and even content brainstorming and planning, if they want). As long as quality remains high, Google doesn’t know who actually strung the sentences together. And currently, the search engine giant doesn’t think it matters. Google’s Stance on Outsourced Content John Mueller, Google’s Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst, often acts as the search engine’s mouthpiece on SEO and content marketing topics. In a Google SEO officehours hangout on April 1, someone askedMueller whether outsourced content impacted SEO performance. According to Mueller, Google wouldn’t differentiate content that’s written by outside sources versus in-house staff. He added, “It’s more about the quality of the content, overall.” In fact, Mueller and others on the call agreed that Google would have no way of knowing that content was outsourced. The takeaway is that how you create your deathcare marketing content is your own business, and Google only cares about the end result. How Does Authorship Work for SEO? Google’s laissez-faire attitude toward outsourcing doesn’t mean authorship doesn’t matter at all. The right bylines can help build trust with your audience and positively impact SEO. Authorship refers to the process of associating specific authors with your content via the following steps: • Adding a byline to the content. Bylines might look something like this: “By: Eva Smith, funeral director.” • Creating an author page for each person with a byline. • Adding a headshot, short bio, and a LinkedIn link for the person to the author page. • Linking to the author page each time you use the byline. Google has repeatedly stated that authorship isn’t a direct ranking factor. That means you don’t score direct points with the search engine algorithms that might bump your pages up in the search results. However, Mueller is on record as saying, “[If ] you’re providing information that you want people to trust, this certainly makes sense.” Adding a name and face to your content puts humanity behind it. It also lets people know that the information is coming from someone with professional experience and expertise on the topic. That enhanced trust can lead to positive behavioral metrics such as: • Increased likelihood people will share the content on social media or other sites • More traffic to the page • Increased time on page, as people are more likely to spend time with content they trust • Better click-through because visitors want to learn more Here’s where authorship’s indirect impact on SEO comes in. All those behavioral metrics mentioned above impact something called a RankBrain score, which is part of the Google algorithm. It gets complicated, but the relevant fact here is that positive behavioral metrics that indicate people are engaging with, interested in, and trusting your content can help your page rank higher in search results. Ghostwriting and Authorship Now we come full circle back to the topic of outsourcing content. If you’re going to put your name (or the name of Per Google, Outsourcing Content Doesn’t Impact SEO Powerhouse Marketing with Welton someone on your staff) on a piece of content, is it okay to outsource the writing? Ghostwriting can be a contentious subject, but in the case of deathcare marketing, it’s completely acceptable and even expected within certain parameters. Most people realize that the professionals who are skilled at providing deathcare services may not have honed marketing and writing skills, and they know there’s help going on behind the scenes. When using ghostwriters for content you plan to run with a byline, two factors become extremely important: • Quality of the content. This should be a top concern no matter what content you’re working on or who writes it. Ensure anything you post is well-written and has no grammatical errors, typos, or spelling issues. Posts and landing pages should also answer the intent of the search and follow through on the promise of the title. A page titled “Average costs of funeral services” and filled with the keyword “funeral costs” must provide helpful, actionable, and specific content about funeral service costs. • Review of the content. Whoever is putting their name on the content should review it for accuracy. After all, a funeral director doesn’t want content with bad information about deathcare showing up under his or her name – that’s bad for the firm and for the individual’s professional reputation. Welton Hong is the founder of Ring Ring Marketing® and a leading expert in creating case generation from online to the phone line. He is the author of Making Your Phone Ring with InternetMarketingforFuneralHomes. Formore information, visit www.FuneralHomeProfits.com. F U N E R A L H O M E & C E M E T E R Y N E W S w w w . N o m i s P u b l i c a t i o n s . c o m Monthly Columnsonline at AUBURN,WA— Earth is the world’s largest, most advanced soil transformation facility in the Pacific Northwest. The sustainable funeral brand’s approach to the funeral industry is focused on carbon neutrality, land conservation and offering the simplest way to make and manage funeral arrangements. Earth’s team is comprised of a multidisciplinary group of scientists, software engineers and experienced funeral professionals. Sustainable Funeral Brand Earth offers Carbon-neutral Alternative to Cremation Earth Vessel Room Soil Transformation Vessel Continued on page A12 Digital Directory Available Download instantly at Save on Shipping! www.NomisPublications.com Affordable Remote Controlled Bed/Ramp 585-330-5772


Page A8 JUNE 2022 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on A Scan QR for our website 1-888-792-9315 • mymortuarycooler.com Mortuary Coolers starting at $5,899 By Linda Findlay Aftercare well over two hours sharing her story. The reason I am sharing this story is that I want to illustrate that people need support much longer than anyone would expect. You might ask, how long are we to be expected to support a family? It’s a good question. The answer is, there are no time limits to grief. But, in the funeral service world, we can’t possibly reach out to each family for four years! However, if we reached out soon after the loss and provided aftercare that simply included a referral to The Compassionate Friends, or other type of support group or a grief support Facebook page, or publications, etc., maybe the burden would be lessened on the person trying to find help for themselves. Perhaps, it would not take four years for someone to “figure it out” for themselves and add to that, can you imagine the value that she would see in being given the resources early on by her funeral director? I am not suggesting we follow up with families for four years. I am asking for funeral service professionals to provide aftercare soon after the loss. I can assure you; it is effective in more ways than I can define. There is no cost involved with sharing useful information! This bereaved mother never heard of Compassionate Friends. For anyone who may not know, Compassionate Friends, is an international, not for profit, self-help support organization for families who experience the loss of a child, grandchild or sibling. They have chapters in many cities across the country and around the world. They make a difference in the lives of tens of thousands of families across the world. How did she not ever hear about Compassionate Friends? I have to suggest, if you don’t already list Compassionate Friends on your website as a source of support for grieving parents, please do so. For this lady, I will continue to follow up with her. I have no idea what funeral home she used when her son died. All I know, according to her, they did nothing to support her loss. She never heard from them. I have no idea how she came across me or my phone number. What I can tell you; I will continue to follow up with her for as long as she needs me to. No charge, no strings attached. I told her that I have been very blessed to work for funeral homes for over 30 years, I am very happy to give back! I want to conclude with telling you that this bereaved mother shared how she has tried to date. While on a date, when she talks about her deceased son, the light switch goes off and she never hears from the guy again. She asked me if knew of any “single” men who lost a child to murder that she could talk to. She acknowledged that it may be a weird question and perhaps a bit selfish, but, she so desperately wants to talk to someone who will understand. I do know many men who have lost a child to murder and are single. I explained to her that I could not share that information with her. When she shared about the support groups she attended I did ask if she was involved in a Compassionate Friends group. To my surprise, she never heard of Compassionate Friends. Maybe now she will connect with this group and find the support that she needs. Who knows, maybe she will find a nice man who is in the same situation as hers and in her own right finds what she needs in that area. I am often asked to be a match maker among the bereaved, unfortunately this is not in my job description. Hopefully that gave you a little chuckle! I have advocated for grieving families for over 30 years. I have talked to funeral directors and funeral service professionals during the entire 30+ years. My story always remains the same. Families need support after their loss for much longer than most people think. I just talked to a bereaved mother who lost her son to murder. If she had not told me that her son died 4 years ago, I would have thought he died yesterday. She shared how she no longer had the friends who were in her life prior to her son dying. Her parents, both grieving the loss of their grandson, could not support her. She found herself trying to be supportive of them, which is often the case among family members. She found no comfort from them, understandably! Her marriage fell apart and ended in divorce. Her 14-year-old daughter, who was an A student, popular at school and involved in many activities, no longer has a social life and her grades are C at best. She told me that she went to many support groups. Both at her local church and through her local hospice. She found it not to be helpful. The pain of listening to all the stories was too much for her to bear. She went to a private “grief counselor”. She said she did not like the person or her style of counseling, so she quit. She told me she has read many books and looked online for support. Nothing has helped much. She gets up every day and puts one foot in front of the other and barely makes it through. She said if she did not have her precious daughter, she would end her life. In our world, this statement is a red flag of which I appropriately address with her. Additionally, she said that her daughter refused to go to counseling! This is all four year later! The question that always comes to mind for me is, “how can I help”. In this case, it looks and sounds like she has done everything that can be done to find support for herself. Everything she shared with me is exactly what I would have recommended had I followed up with her at the beginning of her grief journey. She spent Linda Findlay is the founder of Mourning Discoveries, Grief Support Services. She is a 29-year career Aftercare Coordinator, a published author, and an advocate for bereaved families. She is the founder and co-creator of The Grief Cruises and managing partner with The International Grief Institute. Linda can be reached at 315-725-6132 or Lf6643@yahoo.com. Visit www.mourningdiscoveries.com, www.thegriefcruises.com or www.internationalgriefinstitute.com. F U N E R A L H O M E & C E M E T E R Y N E W S w w w . N o m i s P u b l i c a t i o n s . c o m Monthly Columnsonline at Park Lawn Completes Acquisition of Chancellor Florence Location Byram Location dedicated to caring and providing excellent client service,” stated Bill Chancellor, former owner of Chancellor. “Bill, Sandra and the Chancellor staff exemplify the mission and values of Park Lawn and we are honored to work together to serve the Byram and Florence communities moving forward,” said J. Bradley Green, Chief Executive Officer of PLC. PLC provides goods and services associated with the disposition and memorialization of human remains. Products and services are sold on a pre-planned basis (preneed) or at the time of a death (at-need). PLC and its subsidiaries own and operate businesses including cemeteries, crematoria, funeral homes, chapels, planning offices and a transfer service. PLC operates in three Canadian provinces and sixteen United States. TORONTO,ONTARIO— Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) is pleased to announce that it has completed the previously announced acquisition of substantially all of the assets of Chancellor Funeral Home and Garden of Memories (collectively Chancellor), a business consisting of one stand-alone funeral home and one combination funeral home and cemetery property located in Byram and Florence, MS, respectively. “We are excited to begin a new chapter with Park Lawn where we have joined an organization that supports our vision to remain a leader in our profession as well as a team S e nd u s you r n ews ! ema i l info@Nomi sPubl i cat ions . com FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS

Page A9 JUNE 2022 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on A Church & Chapel Metal Arts, Inc. www.church-chapel.com | (800)-992-1234 | Info@church-chapel.com BODY POSITIONING Sampson “One Man”Hydraulic Body & Casket Lifter CB 7760SQ 1000 Pound Capacity! 1000 Pound Capacity! Chapel Furniture | Funeral Home Supplies | Urns Family Owned and Operated Since 1933 2616 W. Grand Ave. Chicago, IL 60612 ALUMINUM NAME PLATES Angelus Prep Block CC 10121 $32 ea. Made from High Density Polyethylene Soft Touch Headblock CC 10126 $49 ea. Sticks to table like rubber Wedge-Ease CC 10128 $122 pair Sticks to table like rubber Hydraulic Scissor Lift CE CP 1000 Styrofoam Headblock CC 10127 $1.85 ea. Case of 36 FEATURED ITEMS White Casket Flag Band CC 1950 $9.50 ea. BODY LIFTING CHAPEL FURNISHINGS Redneck Light Bulbs CB 100 (Other Colors available) Casket Facial Lamp CB 645 Wood Reserved Seat Signs Reserved, Family, Pallbearer Regency Devotional Set ALUMIN ME PLATES 4” Block - Chrome Finish 3” Block - Gold Finish 3” Script - Polished Bright Finish 3” Slant - Polished Bright Finish 2” Block - Polished Satin Finish 2” 2 Line Plate - Polished Bright Finish Available in polished or satin standard finish. There are many custom styles, including bright chrome and brass plated name plates available for an extra charge.  Stock Finish - Polished Bright & Lacquered  Slant Style Font available at no additional Charge  Plates sold in pairs 2” Block, Standard or Slant $12.50 per letter Max 21 letters & spaces per plate 3” Block, Standard or Slant $16.50 per letter Max 13 letters & spaces per plate 4” Block, Standard or Slant $18.75 per letter Max 11 letters & spaces per plate Above prices are per letter, per plate. Minimum charge per plate $1 5 0.00 Double line plates are priced per letter - at 2 times the longest line. 50% upcharge for Script Style letter. Upcharge for brass or chrome plating $100.00 per plate, per line. PHONE: 773-489-3700 FAX: 773-489-3434 800-992-1234 800-626-3299 info@church-chapel.com • www.church-chapel.com The Original BodyLifer MADE IN USA Replacement Body Straps CB 5404-4 Casket Lift Supports CB 4900-2 Urn Loader CE CP 318 $175 Large Body Positioners CC 10134 $106 set/3 Made from High Density Polyethylene Small Body Positioners CC 10132 $158 set/5 Made from High Density Polyethylene Lamp Shades 15+ different styles Register Stand CC 625 Register Stand CC 522 Portable Register Stand CE XL-8 Pedestal Directory AA 860-10 Pedestal Directory AA 866-10 Regency Chapel Set

Page A10 JUNE 2022 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on A Large variety of styles, sizes and colors www.PremiumQualityUmbrellas.com Umbrellas for every budget Free Artwork & Free Proof Free Setup & Free Shipping Contact Kristie Directly (239) 471-7888 Kristie@PremiumQualityUmbrellas.com “I’m Telling You for the Last Time” My 10 Best Facebook Tips for Funeral Homes and Cemeteries By Jason Troyer, PhD Facebook Made Easy preplanning seminars, special remembrance services, open houses, and other key events. For example, I recently helped a client boost a Lunch & Learn seminar with just $50 and it resulted in an extra 15 people who were interested in the event. 10) Keep learning. Like all social media and online trends, Facebook is a moving target. In five years, there may be different strategies for getting the most out of Facebook or we may be talking about an entirely different platform. It pays to stay on top of the most recent trends in technology and use them to your advantage. Thank you for all that you do to serve your local families and community. I am privileged to work with funeral and cemetery professionals and help share an accurate depiction of how you serve families in their darkest times. I would like to thank Peggy Rouzzo and the Funeral Home & Cemetery News for the opportunity to share this column for the last two years. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Best wishes, Jason to easily share local events and personal stories, and lets your biggest fans sing your praises for you. Your website and your Facebook page serve very different purposes. 5) Don’t talk about yourself too much. One common mistake is that owners use Facebook as only a place to put ads. Just like with dating, nobody wants to hang around a person who talks about themselves too much. Aim for posting content that focuses on other people and organizations or meets the grief needs of your families. Only about 10-20% of your Facebook content should be focused on you and your services. 6) Build connections with key partners like hospice, clergy, veteran’s groups, first-responders, and more. Your Facebook page is an excellent way to build connections with your key partners. Recognize the sacrifices and services of these key partners and sing their well-deserved praises. You may find that they return the favor. 7) Post content on a consistent schedule. It is important to post new content on a regular basis. I would recommend starting with at least three posts per week in addition to any obituaries or tributes that you are posting. One of the best ways to stay consistent is to use Facebook’s scheduling feature. This will allow you to work ahead when you are not busy serving families. 8) Use pictures and videos to catch people’s attention. Facebook is a visual medium – you must use pictures and videos to fully convey your message. Be sure that your videos are brief and your pictures are eye-catching. 9) Boost content that is especially important. “Boosting” a post is paying to have the content be seen by more people. You do not need to boost all of your content. However, it can be very helpful to boost content like In 1998, Jerry Seinfeld performed a stand-up comedy special called “I’mTelling You for the Last Time” where he used his best jokes and then retired them from future acts. After more than two years, this will be my last column. I will continue to serve funeral homes and cemeteries with my Facebook services, but I needed to create more time in my schedule to serve my clients. So, in the spirit of Seinfeld’s special, here are my top 10 tips in my last Facebook Made Easy column. 1) Facebook is an amazing way to connect with your local community. I am not aware of any method for connecting with so many local families for free other than using Facebook. It is a rare opportunity to leverage social media technology to introduce yourself and your services to local people. 2) Facebook has replaced the newspaper. Many communities no longer have a daily newspaper and many of those papers have gone online. Today, people look for local news and information online. Facebook is uniquely positioned to help people learn about their community (including obituaries) in a quick and easy way. Far more Americans look at Facebook than a printed newspaper. 3) Don’t let fear of negative reviews hold you back. Far too many funeral and cemetery professionals allow fear to dissuade them from using Facebook. There are several simple strategies for minimizing the impact of a few negative reviews. In fact, you can set up your Facebook page to not allow reviews at all. 4) Your website cannot replace your Facebook page. Compared to your website, your Facebook page is designed for interaction with the community, allows you Dr. Troyer’s free library of Facebook tutorial videos can be found at www.JasonTroyer.com. Dr. Jason Troyer is a grief expert, author, former psychology professor, and therapist. He helps funeral homes and cemeteries connect with their communities through Facebook content and grief support materials. He frequently provides community presentations, professional workshops, and trainings across the country. In addition to providing his Facebook content service and presentations, he also works at Smith Funeral & Cremation Service & Grandview Cemetery in Maryville, TN. Dr. Troyer can be reached at DrJasonTroyer@gmail.com. You can view all of his video tutorials and learn more at www.JasonTroyer.com. F U N E R A L H O M E & C E M E T E R Y N E W S w w w . N o m i s P u b l i c a t i o n s . c o m Monthly Columnsonline at Angelpaw Wins Top Veterinary Solution Provider Award Funeral Service Foundation and The Messenger Co. Announce Spring Matching Gift Campaign SAN DIEGO,CA— Angelpaw has won the Top Veterinary Solution Provider for 2022, an award that sets the stage for the company’s success along with their 2022 Purina Pet Care Innovation Prize. Angelpaw offers new redesigned services that are a game changer within the industry for veterinarians, pet parents, and crematories and aquamation. Angelpaw was founded by James Byler, CEO, when he encountered issues at the crematorium after the death of his own pet. He utilized information technology to create a data-driven, open-access technology that improves the process not just for pet parents, but for veterinarians and the cremation center. “Angelpaw is a platform that digitizes the entire pet cremation lifecycle to increases operational efficiencies, reduces errors and processing times, and provides full transparency to all parties with the ecosystem,” says Byler. “The entire Angelpaw team is ecstatic and honored for the special recognition in innovation we’ve brought to the pet industry” says Byler. “Our passion for pet’s and technology pushes us every day to continue to fully digitize, automate and bring full transparency to the entire pet cremation and pet aquamation lifecycle for pet parents, veterinarians, crematories and aquamation centers.” For more information, visit Angelpaw’s website at www.Angelpaw.com. BROOKFIELD,WI— The Funeral Service Foundation is launching its fifth matching gift campaign in partnership with The Messenger Co. Now through June 15, Foundation supporters can do twice the good with one donation. “Our team supports the Funeral Service Foundation because we believe in the impact that comes from serving funeral service professionals and families well. It is the little things that make a big difference,” said Heather Garman, vice president of sales and marketing for The Messenger Co. “Helping someone appropriately honor their loved one and get them started on their grief journey makes the world of difference to a person, a family, or an entire community. What we do and how well we do it is critically important; let’s keep striving to get better each and every day.” A Foundation supporter since 2003, Messenger’s matching gifts have inspired countless donors to support the Foundation through one-time and recurring donations and gifts made in memory or honor of a loved one or colleague. No matter the means of contribution, all gifts carry forward the Foundation’s mission of investing in people and programs to strengthen funeral service and lift up grieving communities. “We are so grateful for Messenger’s continued generosity, and for the generosity they’ve inspired from others in the profession,” said Foundation executive director Lee Wiensch, CFRE. “The Foundation’s mission of strengthening funeral service and lifting up grieving communities is put into action through gifts from notable partners like Messenger.” Donations made to the Foundation through June 15 are eligible for matching, including contributions by mail (Funeral Service Foundation, 13625 Bishop’s Drive, Brookfield, WI 53005) or online. To donate, visit www. funeralservicefoundation. org/donatenow/.