March 2021

NEWS MARCH 2021 Fam i l y Own e d a n d Operated Since 1974 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY PO B o x 5 1 5 9 Y o u n g s t own OH 4 4 5 1 4 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 2 1 - 7 4 7 9 On l i n e a t www . n om i s p u b l i c a t i o n s . c om P r e v i o u s l y P u b l i s h e d a s t h e Y B N e w s • S t i l l t h e P l a c e f o r Y o u r N e w s ! Herland Forest receives nation’s first Natural Organic Reduction License R ecompose ’ s F acility , T he G reenhouse holds its F irst NOR B urials –File Photo, credit MOLT Studios SEE article on Page A29 Continued on Page A2 WAHKIACUS,WA— When a body decomposes, it releases a lot of green- house gases, such as nitrogen, which can kill off vegetation growing near the body for over a year. The New Yorker Magazine points out the iro- ny, stating “Humans: deforesting the planet any way we can.” But it doesn’t have to be that way. In 2019, Washington state legal- ized the use of natural organic re- duction (NOR) as an approved means of disposition of human re- mains. In June of 2020, Herland Forest Cemetery became the first facility in the United States to be licensed to provide NOR services. Herland Forest is part of the Windward Education and Re- search Center, located in Wahkia- cus, WA. It’s situated at the point of intersection between the rain- 19 Beat the price increase coming March 2021! View Online! MODEL # TR3 Triple Cot Roll-In Mortuary Cooler 1-888-792-9315 • Walt Patrick, the first licensed operator of the NOR cradle system B oone F uneral H ome in B ossier C ity , LA G race H oldings , LLC makes initial F uneral H ome acquisition in L ouisiana See Page A12 Share your news Firm or Staff Accomplishments Community Programs Staff Hiring/Promotions New or Unique Programs/Services Association Meeting/Programs Mortuary School Programs/Student News Introduction of New Products or Services Firm Anniversaries or Milestones V i s i t o u r W e b s i t e Classified Ads Shipping Directory Index of Advertisers