January 2018

Page B9 JANUARY 2018 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS S ec t i on B Your Authorized Dealer INTELLIGENTBYDESIGN 751 N. Lincoln Ave. Wishing you a Prosperous New Year! HEARSES 2000 Cadillac Hearse Grey 75,111 #0906 2000 Cadillac Hearse Dark Blue 72,465 #0074 2001 Cadillac Hearse Black 66,676 #0323 2003 Cadillac Hearse Black 47,384 #0451 2003 Cadillac S&S Hearse Black 57,029 #0981 2004 Cadillac Federal Hearse Black 59,927 #0558 2005 Lincoln Hearse White 83,073 #3297 2005 Lincoln Hearse Black 51,590 #8453 2007 Cadillac Hearse Silver 52,600 #0408 2007 Cadillac Hearse Black 65,190 #0407 2009 Cadillac Hearse Cool Mist 74,407 #0064 2009 Cadillac Hearse Cool Mist 71,054 #0155 2009 Cadillac Hearse Cool Mist 67,112 #0128 2009 Cadillac Superior Hearse Black 86,863 #0092 2013 Lincoln Federal Hearse White 26,333 #0418 2017 Cadillac Heritage Hearse Black 125 #0001 COLOR MILES STOCK LIMOS COLOR MILES STOCK 2000 Cadillac Limo Silver 53,333 #0593 2000 Cadillac Limo Black 62,340 #0387 2001 Cadillac Limo Black 25,218 #0923 2002 Lincoln Limo Black 18,198 #3217 2003 Cadillac Limo Silver 35,784 #0576 2003 Cadillac Limo Black 28,974 #0752 2003 Cadillac Limo Black 48,379 #0162 2007 Cadillac Limo Black 57,197 #0234 2008 Cadillac S&S Limo Black 27,741 #0645 2009 Cadillac Limo Cool Mist 27,293 #0027 2009 Cadillac Limo Cool Mist 29,386 #0020 2013 Lincoln Federal Limo White 19,715 #1745 Fleet Systems buys and sells New and Used Limos and Hearses. Based out of Fremont, NE Fleet is open M - F 8 am to 5 pm Call (800) 776-9444 and ask for Tracy or Email tracy@fleetprocars.com . Check us out on the web at www.fleetprocars.com Fremont, NE 68025 Timpe and Cavett named to New Leadership Team at webCemeteries.com Nick Timpe Jason Cavett VIRGINVILLE,PA— web- Cemeteries.com has named Nick Timpe, for- mer director of sales and marketing, to the position of president and Chief Ex- ecutive Officer (CEO). As president and CEO, Timpe will oversee busi- ness growth and develop- ment, as well as manage the webCemeteries.com team. Timpe, 31, is an 11-year veteran of the cemetery and funeral home industry. During college, he began helping to build webCem- eteries.com . After gradu- ation, he joined the com- pany full-time as a junior partner responsible for sales. Under his direction, the company grew from a start-up to a leader in cem- etery technology working with nearly 300 cemeteries nationwide. Timpe serves on the ICCFA sales and marketing committee, the Catholic Cemetery Confer- ence technology commit- tee, and teaches annually at the CCC School of Lead- ership and Management at Notre Dame. He is a for- mer co-chair of the ICCFA Wide World of Sales Con- ference, a frequent speak- er at industry conferences and regular contributor to industry publications. “I am honored to take this role and continue to help cemeteries and funer- al homes better serve their families through technol- ogy,” Timpe said. “At web- Cemeteries.com, we un- derstand how important it is for families to be able to memorialize their loved ones, and we believe that our highest goal is to be the best we can be in order to help you achieve that. We value your families’ expe- rience, and we hope to be continually improving our company and our product toward that goal.” Timpe replaces Eric Ro- buck as president and CEO. Robuck, a for- mer Chief Warrant Offi- cer with the United States Army, established the tech- nical foundations and di- rection of webCemeteries. com in 2006, and grew the company to become an in- dustry software leader. Concurrent to Timpe’s transition, webCemeter- ies.com hired Jason Cavett as Chief Technical Officer (CTO). Cavett graduat- ed from the Rochester In- Primera Technology, Inc Introduces New Series of Disc Printers Bravo 4202 XRP Disc Publisher Bravo SE-3 AutpPrinter NORTHFIELD,IL— Primera Technology, Inc., one of the world’s leading manufacturers of specialty digital print- ers, announced the Bravo 4200-Series Disc Printers and Disc Publishers for the funeral industry. The Series Disc Printers and Disc Publishers make it quick and easy to make multiple copies of tribute vid- eos for families and friends to take home from funerals. Features of the new Bravo 4200-series include: USB 3.0, which delivers the fastest possible recording speeds on CD-R, DVD-R and BD-R media; one high-yield, tri- color ink cartridge that delivers low ink cost per disc; 4800 dpi print quality; and is compatible with Windows 7/8/10 plus and Mac OS X 10.7 or higher. For more information, visit https://www.primera.com/ equipment/disc-publishers.html or call 847-904-2806. stitute of Technology with a Bachelors of Science in Software Engineering and Pennsylvania State Univer- sity with a Master of Sci- ence in Software Engineer- ing. He was previously vice president of technology at Jacquette Consulting, a Philadelphia-based soft- ware firm. Prior to that, he held the position of senior software engineer at Lock- heed Martin. Cavett also worked with webCemeter- ies.com for the past two years, guiding development for software including Re- member My Journey, Map Search, and their Enterprise Sales Application. “Jason’s pedigree, expe- rience, and professional- ism are just a few of the ex- cellent qualities he brings to webCemeteries.com,” Timpe said. “He is pas- sionate about producing tools that cemeteries and funeral homes can use to make their services more relevant through technolo- gy, and his familiarity with the industry will enable him to step right into this position. We are thrilled to have him on board.” Cavett will oversee soft- ware improvement and maintenance, product de- velopment, and the soft- ware engineering staff. webCemeteries.com, a three-time Keeping It Per- sonal award winner (IC- CFA), digitizes cemetery records and helps cemeter- ies and funeral homes le- verage technology. Using web-based and mobile tech- nology, webCemeteries.com offers the industry’s most cutting edge technology so- lutions to show the value of cemetery and funeral home property and services. Con- tact webCemeteries.com at 1-800-653-7049 or info@ webcemeteries.com to learn more. New Memorials Direct Announces New Personalized Stainless Steel Leather Bracelet Personalized Stainless Steel Leather Bracelet GIG HARBOR,WA— New Memorials Direct introduc- es their new Personalized Stainless Steel Leather Brace- let. This new bracelet features a timeless, clean look appropriate for both men and women. It can be person- alized with any type of print engraving, whether it be a fingerprint, handprint, or footprint etc. Custom sig- natures can also be accommodated alongside a print or displayed alone. The bracelet is skillfully designed with a stainless steel front and a durable, adjustable black leather band. The band is conveniently made adjustable by a classic pinhole closure. The new Stainless Steel Leather Bracelet is a perfect choice for those seeking a keepsake for everyday wear. Pre- cious memories can be kept close with this quality crafted option made with natural materials to withstand the test of time. The turn-around time is only 24 hours and satisfac- tion is always guaranteed. For more information call 877- 995-8767 or visit www.newmemorialsdirect.com .